About Chulbuli Speaks

There isn't exactly a long or interesting story behind the creation of Chulbuli speaks.Yet I do consider it as my duty to explain to the readers why this blog has been started. Though from my statements it almost sounds like as if the blog has reached the peak popularity and the writer is forced to give such expiations whereas as it is known it is the other way round.

It is for the first time I am writing a blog. 

Chulbuli speaks is simply my guinea pig for some experiments on my abilities to convey myself in a different way and to observe the response from the readers. It is my mechanism to went out all my bottled up emotions and raise questions on various issues of life.

As stated earlier the objective of this space on the vast, wide and never-ending Internet is not to spark off a revolution, but to bring a small change in the life of it's readers by helping them find the child within them once again (if they are a little old) and helping them keep the within child alive (if they aren't very old). 

Chulbuli is a hindi word,which means bubbly.Now you may ask why didn’t I name it as  'Bubby speaks' ? Simply because it is Chulbuli speaking and not Bubbly. 
Frankly speaking, my neighbour has a Labrador  whose name is Bubbly and hence I decided no to call my blog Bubbly speaks! For Bubbly doesn't speak she barks…

My sole objective through this blog would be to make you (the reader) smile, laugh , cry , get a little anxious and most of all stop for a moment and feel life, live life.The most wonderful gift of all.