Monday, February 18, 2013

Finish and forever, are they real words??

Kats finished reading this novel about twin sister who are joined in their head last night, its titled 'The girls'. When she was younger, that is when I was in compelte control of her, the thought of having a sister never came. Maybe becasue I never liked the thought of sharing Mummy and daddy with someone else. Also no one amonst my friends then had baby brothers or sisters. The thought of how it would be to have someone younger than you, almost like you, with you all day long never came to me. Then I got older, and Stacey moved into our colony with a little sister. Then sometimes, I used to wish for a little sister who was with me to play with me all day long, so that I didn't have to look for friends out side.

But neither me nor Kats ever imagined to have a sister so close that she is with you all the time, joined at head with you. We both are good company to each toher, but we don't always stay together; we are not sisters too, we And thats why Kats thought to read that book, to know how it is to have your sister by your side all the time. In school eveyrone believed that girls can never be good friends for long. Kats told me once that grown-up sisters also fight, and don't talk to each other, sometimes forever. So because of all these other stories we read, we wanted to know how do they stay forever togehter.

Forever and finish these two words have confused me a lot. Especially after Kats read portions of the book out to me.

The two sisters about whom the book is are joined together in the head, they share an important vein,no doctor can separate them. They are together forever and ever. But it says in the book that if one died the other won't die immidiately but would die in sometime for sure. That isn't togehter forever right? But when one dies the other would die too but only with a difference of time of a few months, maybe days, maybe hours, maybe just a few seconds. But there is a difference and that difference in time of their death doesn't make it forever. I told this to Kats and she diasagreed saying, “A few mintues of separation against years of bein together doesn't cancel out their togehter-forever status.” But..I suddenly feel forever is fake. Its a word that is not real.

Life on earth isn't forever. The dinosauras lived, but a metor hit earth and they call died. Some species that lived before on earth just died. And I remember Kats telling me once that some day a bi g black hole might come and eat up sun like pacman eats rasberries in the pacman game. It might also fall into the sun with a great explosion some day. That some day is really really far away, but when it comes all the history that we have studied and saved, all the science we have learnt and discoveres, all the languages and thins we have invented, all the memories that we have preserved would vanish. There would be no forever for us, human beings or earthlings. But changes keep happening, maybe that is forever. Change is forever but being same is not forever; so maybe forever is a speical word that is used only with change; like orangy for orange?

Coming to the word finish, it always reminds me of something that Uncle Stash, the uncle of 'The girls' said to Rose, “People don't finish, Rose. People stop. To finish is to say okay, now it's right, never I'm going to change it. To stop is to say okay, it's not perfect but I have to go to do something else.” I felt that the novel Kats read didn't finish, it just stopped. It happens all the time. Last summer, we both saw a plait on the internet that was like the one princesses wear, we read the instcutions on the internet and tried to make it, but it didn't turn out the way we wanted it. We tried for three hours, but it just wasn't perfect and we had to stop.

The pages of the story book/novel end, but both myself and Kats keep wondering what would have happened next in the life of the characters had they been real or that things could have been better had something else that we liked had happened. Maybe stories also never finish, they just stop.

Guess you can never finish things like paintings, plaits, stories, songs; but you surely can finish a fresh hot plate of poha by mummy.

To finish something forever, can that happen?


  1. Today's "forever" may be finished tomorrow?? What u say Kat??

    1. Kats here, from what I gather Chulbuli says that there is no forever, except for change. The very word forever with any word other than change has no meaning
